Friday, November 8, 2013

Bad News? Are you and Egg or a Rock

Some people get bad news all the time. Some infrequently, and others may have been lucky for now but are due. No matter what, when that big bad boot of bad news comes kicking your way, you will be either an egg or a rock. Some people are like eggs, crushed very easily by the slightest tap from the boot, offering up their squishy yellow insides with ease. Other people are like rocks. The boot can kick and stomp them, but they remain rock hard. They may have a few dents and scratches, but they're still rocks. Remember this, eggs make chickens...rock makes mountains. Which are you going to be?


  1. Yah! way to go sammy! never stop changing the world!!!!

  2. Great blog Sammy - can't wait to read the next posting!
