Friday, December 13, 2013

Who Is Your Person Of The Year?

Pope takes a selfie....
This week, Time Magazine selected Pope Francis as their Person of the Year. This blogger could't agree more with the selection. As Time stated, the Pope, aka Jorge Mario Bergolio was selected, "For pulling the papacy out of the palace and into the streets, for committing the world's largest church to confronting its deepest needs, and for balancing judgement with mercy" Finally, a Pope who seems to follow WWJD. Congratulations Jorge! 

Time selects the winner based upon candidates being the most influential, good OR bad. I suppose that's why Miley Cyrus twerked her way into the top five finalists. Wonder what the Pope would have said behind closed doors if he lost to her. Maybe he would have learned to twerk :-)  The Pope's selection got me thinking about all of the people we know who are our "Person of the Year" for being the most influential in our lives...Not everyone has the same stage as Time's winners but they are still stand-outs for us. So, I plan on naming my Person of the Year every year at the same time Time names theirs and I suggest all of my blog followers do the same for that person in your lives who stood out and influenced you the most throughout the year. 

My selection this year is none other than my Big Bro Stevo. He had quite a year dealing with his immune condition and a sobering cancer scare while nailing his college entrance exams. He fought hard to keep his grades up to mom and dad's expectations and kicked-butt in the college application and essay process. At the time of this blog post, he has been accepted into Pitt, Penn State main and GMU. No turn downs yet, with more acceptances to come I am sure. He also turned his senior service project into an amazing tennis program for special needs kids like me. He could have "mailed it in", but didn't. He and my friend and neighbor Julia made a difference in the lives of lots of my friends who are challenged and an even bigger difference in the lives of their parents and the people who came out to volunteer each week. Even though he complains about me a lot, I look up to him every day and he is my hero. I'm going to miss him when he goes to college, but know he will always be someone who makes a difference in my life and the lives of others. Congratulations Big Bro for winning my first POTY award.

Who wins your Person of the Year award for 2013? Please comment on my blog or Facebook with your winner so they know how important they are to you. 


  1. Nice post Sammy!!!!

  2. Sammy you are awesome, along with your brother and sister. Your great grandma Betty would be so proud of you as all your family is. Keep up the good work.
