Friday, December 20, 2013

The Ghost of Christmas Present

Since it's a few days before Christmas, I want to ensure that I don't get any coal in my stocking. In an effort to be completely honest, I need to confess something to a few of my readers. It has been brought to my attention that some of my readers who don't know me too well, think that I actually write all of my own posts. You can't imagine how flattered I am that people think this considering just how "special" I am. I hope to meet you someday so you truly understand what that means. While I am pretty amazing, I am also pretty low on the IQ scale.

My confession is that my dad ghost-writes my posts for me because I don't know how....yet.  He takes my inspiration, and writes just how I would think about things and helps me achieve my goal of making people smile which is one skill I was definitely blessed with. Hopefully more people will end their week with a smile as a result. 

So, I hope this revelation doesn't stop you from reading and sharing my blog. It truly represents me and my point of view, not my Dad's. If my Dad wrote what he thinks about, we would need a coal shoot in our house...

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