Sunday, February 2, 2014

Don't Lower The Baskets

I've been in the gym shooting baskets a lot lately due to all the snow on the ground. It got me to thinking about how much we lower the bar these days. It's easy to expect less of people and be happy when they exceed those mediocre expectations. Whatever happened to setting the bar high and stretching ourselves to achieve at our max ability or over it? I always shoot on the regulation basket. That's 10 feet in the air. Literally 6 feet taller than me. I couldn't make it when I first started, but after lots of tries, I make it almost all the time now. I can even hit a few from the real foul line. I'm not bragging but merely trying to make the point that no matter how high the bar, or basket, and no matter how much you think you can't, you usually can if you try. It's even more achievable if you have people around you to coach and teach and encourage you. The following quote says it all...I think it's from Michelangelo....who knew a Ninja Turtle could be so smart.

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."


  1. So true, so true and you are proof... Love the smile!

  2. Sammy you are such an inspiration to all of us! Thank YOU for reminding us to reach for the stars and never settle for mediocre. Love you lots!
